Sunday 20 June 2021

Creatine 101: what is creatine advantages ,disadvantages, dosage,side effects ,muscle growth ,weight gain

 Creatine 101: what is creatine advantages ,disadvantages, dosage,side effects ,muscle growth ,weight gain 

What is creatine?

Your body actually makes its own creatine, by way of your kidney and liver, after you eat protein. Your muscles then convert creatine into creatine phosphate, which is then generated into adenosine triphosphate (ATC), which your body uses for explosive exercise.

Supplement manufacturers have made creatine intake more efficient. Instead of consuming pounds of protein, all you have to do is take the nutrient in powdered, liquid, or pill form. Ways to require It
Your body naturally produces creatine with three amino acids: glycine, methionine and arginine. However, it's neither produced or stored in large amounts naturally. During exercise, especially high intensity training, creatine stores deplete rapidly. Creatine monohydrate are often supplemented into your routine to assist increase physical performance during short term, high intensity activity and prolong depletion.
Creatine supplements generally are available two different forms: a capsule and a powder, although you'll also get creatine protein bars. A maintenance dose of creatine is around 3g per day, which may be weighed call at powder, or taken as a capsule(s). The powder is typically mixed with a liquid and consumed as a drink. Timings can vary, but some people find it beneficial to supplement pre-workout, or immediately after workout.


When supplemented pre-workout, creatine powder is typically mixed with a high-sugar sports drink. Creatine levels can deplete rapidly during exercise, so supplementing around half-hour or 1 hour before your workout gives your body the prospect to digest it and put it to use during your workout. Creatine supplementation can support your exercise performance when 3g of creatine is consumed daily – it also helps to prolong depletion during your workout.


Taking creatine immediately after your workout could even be a standard time to supplement, and it helps maximise the advantages of creatine. It helps to replenish the creatine stores in your muscles that have depleted during your workoutTypes Of Creatine

Types Of Creatine

Creatine is one of the foremost widely researched supplements. There are many sorts of creatine supplements available today which help to support your exercise performance so as that you are going to still train at an optimum level for the entire duration of your workout, by slowing down the depletion of creatine stores. This guide sets out the some creatine variations and what all of them mean:

Buffered Creatine
Also trademarked as Kre-Alkalyn, this is often often pH-corrected creatine within the type of creatine monohydrate mixed with bicarbonate of soda (or bicarbonate of soda as its otherwise known).

Creatine Citrate
This is creatine that's bound to acid , with around 40 per cent creatine making up the solution .
An alternative to creatine getting utilized in liquid solutions, effervescent creatine comprises of creatine monohydrate, acid and bicarbonate.

Creatine Ethyl Ester
Usually shortened to CEE, creatine ethyl ester is an addition of an ethyl to creatine. Creatine ethyl ester tablets and powder are both available.

Glycosylated Creatine
A newer kind of creatine compared to many on this list, glycosylated creatine stands out thanks to the polyethylene glycol.

Creatine Hydrochloride
Often shortened to HCI, creatine hydrochloride is creatine that's bound with acid which turns into a basic creatine molecule once within the stomach.

Creatine Magnesium Chelate
Creatine magnesium chelate is creatine that's bound to magnesium.

Creatine Malate
Creatine malate is made from creatine that's bound with malic acid.
Di-Creatine Malate
This is a sort of creatine that consists of two creatine molecules, which are then bonded with one molecule of malic acid. it's more water soluble than regular creatine monohydrate.

Tri-Creatine Malate
Similar to di-creatine malate, though tri-creatine malate is formed from three creatine molecules bonded with one molecule of malic acid. it's more water soluble than regular creatine monohydrate.

Micronized Creatine
Micronized creatine could also be a variation of creatine that produces smaller particles than standard creatine powder, imagined to aid absorption and mixability.

Creatine Nitrate
A type of creatine that's bound with a nitrate group — creatine nitrate is supposed to increase water solubility.

Creatine Phosphate
Made from around 60 per cent creatine, phosphocreatine works on the concept that creatine must bond with a phosphate group to become phosphocreatine .

Creatine Pyruvate
Creatine pyruvate is made from creatine that's bound with pyruvic acid; a colourless, water-soluble and organic liquid that supplies energy to living cells through the acid cycle — or the Krebs cycle — whenever oxygen is present.

Creatine Monohydrate
Taking the form of creatine with a water molecule, creatine monohydrate is that the foremost generally studied kind of creatine on the market today – and one of the foremost common creatine supplements. As a supplement it are often mixed with a high sugar sports drink and brought before, during or after your workout to help prolong depletion of creatine stores in your muscles. When 3g of creatine are consumed per day, it can increase your exercise performance during repeated short, intense bursts of exercise.
Creatine monohydrate

What Is Creatine Loading?

If you eat a daily diet containing meat and fish, your muscle stores of creatine are likely only 60–80% full (1Trusted Source).
However, it’s possible to maximise your creatine stores by using supplements.
Trainers normally recommend a creatine loading phase to rapidly maximize your muscle stores. During this phase, you consume a relatively batch of creatine during a brief period to rapidly saturate your muscles.
For example, a typical approach is to need 20 grams of creatine daily for 5–7 days. This dose is usually divided into four 5-gram servings throughout the day.
Research shows that this regimen can effectively boost creatine stores by 10–40% (2, 3, 4Trusted Source).
After the loading phase, you'll maintain your creatine stores by taking a lower dose of creatine, which ranges from 2–10 grams daily (3).
Creatine before and after


* Safely increases muscle mass, strength, and exercise performance
* Reduces post-exercise fatigue
* Great for power training
* Protects the brain


* High doses may cause stomach discomfort or nausea. 

Top 10 benefits of creatine 

  • 1.Helps Muscle Cells Produce More Energy: Supplementing with creatine can provide additional ATP energy, which improves high-intensity exercise performance.
  • 2. Supports Many Other Functions in Muscles: It can alter numerous cellular pathways that cause new muscle growth, including boosting the formation of proteins that make new muscle fibers. It also can increase IGF-1 levels and stimulate the Akt/PKB pathway. These send a sign to your body to create muscle mass. Creatine Monohydrate also can increase the water content of your muscles. this is often referred to as cell volumization, and may quickly increase the dimensions of muscles.
  • 3. Improves High-Intensity Exercise Performance: Creatine's direct role in ATP energy production means it can drastically improve high-intensity exercise performance. Studies have shown creatine can improve numerous factors to assist you perform better, including:
  • * Strength
  • * Ballistic power
  • * Sprint ability
  • * Muscle endurance
  • * Resistance to fatigue
  • * Muscle mass
  • * Recovery
  • * Brain performance
  • Unlike supplements that only benefit advanced athletes, creatine provides benefits no matter your fitness level. Reviews find it improves high-4. accelerates Muscle Growth: Creatine is that the world's best supplement for adding muscle mass. Taking it for as little as five to seven days has been shown to significantly increase lean weight and muscle size. this first rise is caused by increased water content within the muscle. Over the future , it also aids in muscle cell growth by signaling key biological pathways and increasing weights and performance within the gym. In one study, participants followed a six-week training regimen. Those using creatine added 4.4 lbs (2 kg) more muscle mass, compared to those that didn't . A comprehensive review demonstrated a transparent increase in muscle mass, compared to those performing an equivalent training regimen without creatine.
  • 4. May Help With Parkinson's Disease: paralysis agitans is characterized by a discount in brain levels of a key neurotransmitter called dopamine. the massive reduction in dopamine levels causes nerve cell death and a number of other serious symptoms, including tremors, loss of muscle function and speech impairments. Creatine has been shown to possess beneficial effects on Parkinson's in mice, preventing 90% of the drop by dopamine levels. In an effort to treat the loss of muscle function and strength, Parkinson's patients often perform weight training. In humans with paralysis agitans , combining creatine with weight training improved strength and daily function to a greater extent than training aloneintensity exercise performance by up to fifteen .
  • 5. accelerates Muscle Growth: Creatine is that the world's best supplement for adding muscle mass. Taking it for as little as five to seven days has been shown to significantly increase lean weight and muscle size. this first rise is caused by increased water content within the muscle. Over the future , it also aids in muscle cell growth by signaling key biological pathways and increasing weights and performance within the gym. In one study, participants followed a six-week training regimen. Those using creatine added 4.4 lbs (2 kg) more muscle mass, compared to those that didn't . A comprehensive review demonstrated a transparent increase in muscle mass, compared to those performing an equivalent training regimen without creatine.

  • 6. Can Improve Brain Function: Creatine plays a crucial role in brain health and performance . Research has shown that the brain requires a big amount of ATP energy when performing difficult tasks. Supplements can increase phosphocreatine stores within the brain and help the brain produce more ATP. Creatine can also aid brain function by increasing dopamine levels and therefore the function of mitochondria. Meat is that the best dietary source of creatine, and vegetarians often have low levels because they avoid meat. One study on creatine supplements in vegetarians found a 20-50% improvement in some memory and IQ test scores. For the elderly, fortnight of taking creatine supplements significantly improved memory and recall ability. along side other studies, this research suggests creatine is extremely beneficial for the elderly. it's going to help with brain function, reduce the age-related loss of muscle and strength, and protect against neurological diseases.
  • 7. May Reduce Fatigue or Tiredness: Creatine supplements can also reduce fatigue and tiredness. one among the foremost notable studies so far followed traumatic brain injury patients for 6 months. those that supplemented had a 50% reduction in dizziness, compared to those that didn't . Furthermore, only 10% of patients within the supplement group suffered from fatigue, compared to 80% within the control group. Another study found that creatine led to reduced fatigue and increased energy levels during sleep deprivation. Creatine also can reduce exercise-induced fatigue in athletes during a cycling test, and has been wont to decrease fatigue when exercising in high heat.
  • 8. Is Safe and straightforward to Use: along side the various benefits outlined during this article, creatine is additionally one among the most cost effective and safest supplements you'll find.

What are the benefits of creatine?

Creatine is assumed to enhance strength, increase lean muscle mass, and help the muscles recover more quickly during exercise. This muscular boost may help athletes achieve bursts of speed and energy, especially during short bouts of high-intensity activities like weight lifting or sprinting.
Does creatine affect you sexually?
What's better creatine or whey protein?
While both creatine and whey protein promote muscle gain, they differ within the ways they work. Creatine increases strength and muscle mass by increasing exercise capacity, whereas whey protein does so by stimulating increased muscle protein synthesis.

Is creatine better than BCAA?

For those with low protein intake, BCAAs can provide a reasonable , low calorie and straightforward thanks to promote muscle protein synthesis. Creatine, on the opposite hand, can help provide rapid energy and functions more for strength building could also be the selection of these of you who are powerlifting for instance .

When should I drink creatine?

On workout days, research shows that it may be better to take creatine shortly before or after you exercise, rather than long before or after. On rest days, it's going to be beneficial to require it with food, but the timing is perhaps not as important as on exercise days.

Do creatine make you bigger?

Despite causing some water weight gain, research has found that creatine can be an effective supplement for increasing endurance and strength. Over time, you'll see a rise in your muscle strength and size. Increased muscle mass will also tip the scale upward.

Does creatine boost testosterone?

Creatine does not increase testosterone levels.
While creatine does elevate DHT (Dihydrotestosterone) and somatotropin (GH) during physical activity, creatine doesn't improve resting hormonal concentration.
A creatine loading phase could also be the fastest thanks to enjoy the supplement's effects. Research proves that a creatine loading phase can maximize your muscle stores within one week or less

Should I take creatine every day?

Taking too much creatine is futile
After your muscles are fully saturated with creatine, it's recommended to take 3–5 grams (14 mg/pound or 30 mg/kg) daily to maintain optimal muscle stores

Does creatine work immediately?

May Provide Quicker Results
A creatine loading phase could also be the fastest thanks to enjoy the supplement's effects. Research proves that a creatine loading phase can maximize your muscle stores within one week or less

Is creatine bad for teens?

Both the American Academy of Pediatrics and therefore the American College of medicine are in agreement that teenagers shouldn't use performance-enhancing supplements, including creatine

Does creatine make you stronger?

Creatine can help make you stronger.
Several studies have shown that creatine supplementation leads to strength gains. In a meta-analysis of twenty-two studies on creatine, researchers found that individuals who use it show an 8% increase in strength compared to those that don't

At the top of the day, creatine is an efficient supplement with powerful benefits for both sports performance and health.
What's more, supplementing is extremely easy. Simply take 3–5 grams of creatine monohydrate powder per day


Wednesday 11 September 2019

Chia seeds health benefits ,nutritional facts,weight loss and recipes (sept 2019)t

Chia seeds health benefits ,nutritional facts,weight loss and recipes (sept 2019)

Chia seeds

Chia seeds health benefits ,nutritional facts,weight loss and recipes (sept 2019)

Chia seeds are the tiny black seeds from the Salvia hispanica plant, a member of the mint family which comes from Central and South America. Legend has it that the ancient Aztecs and Mayans used chia seeds as a source of energy.

Nutritional facts

Chia seeds health benefits ,nutritional facts,weight loss and recipes (sept 2019)

Amount Per 1 oz (28.4 g)100 grams100 grams
  • Calories 486
  • *Total Fat 31 g
  • 47%Saturated fat 3.3 g
  • 16%Polyunsaturated fat 24g
  • Monounsaturated fat
  •  2.3 g
  • Trans fat 0.1 g
  • Cholesterol 0 mg0%
  • Sodium 16 mg
  • Potassium 407 mg11%
  • Total Carbohydrate 42 g
  • 14%Dietary fiber 34 g
  • 136%Protein 17 g
  • 34%Vitamin A
  • 1%Vitamin C
  • 2%Calcium
  • Iron42%
  • Magnesium83%

When to eat

Chia seeds health benefits ,nutritional facts,weight loss and recipes (sept 2019)

Chia seeds are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, antioxidants, iron, and calcium. A 28-gram, or 1-ounce, serving of chia seeds also contains 5.6 grams of protein. Mixed with water, they can replace egg in vegan cooking
Chia seeds The seeds of relaxation: The body uses the amino acid tryptophan to produce serotonin and melatonin, both hormones that are essential for sleep. ... The good news is that certain seeds rank really high in tryptophan, which will not only help you sleep but relax you overall.

Health benefits

The benefits of chia seeds is attributed to the calcium content and other trace minerals known for their role in bone health. A 25g portion of chia contains 157mg of calcium, which is a significant source of calcium, more than that in 100ml of milk.
Chia seeds are loaded with antioxidants
The health-protective antioxidants found in chia seeds are known to defend against oxidative stress. This is essentially an imbalance between the production of cell-damaging free radicals and the body's ability to counter their harmful effects. This protection helps fend off aging and protects the brain, as oxidative stress is a causative factor in diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

Chia seeds for heart disease s and diabetes patients

Chia seeds help regulate blood sugar levels
Chia seeds help stabilize post-meal blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity, which can translate to steadier, sustained energy. In one study that compared chia to flax seeds, both resulted in lower blood sugar levels, but chia had a greater ability to convert glucose into a slow-release carbohydrate and positively impact satiety. That led to reduced appetite and desire to eat.

How to eat

Make them into pudding

Chia seeds health benefits ,nutritional facts,weight loss and recipes (sept 2019)

Chia seeds can absorb many times their own weight in liquid, so when you soak them in water or milk overnight, you get a dish that's a lot like tapioca pudding in texture. Add some spices and a little bit of sweetener (like honey or pure maple syrup) and you get a healthy breakfast or snack that tastes like a treat. We love this recipe for clementine chia pudding; the creamsicle-like dish boasts 4 grams each of filling fiber and fortifying protein, all for less than 150 calories. Top it with a tablespoon or two of toasted pistachios or sliced almonds for a bit of crunch.
Add some crunch to yogurt or oatmeal by sprinkling on chia seeds. Note: Once they sit in liquid for a while, they form little gelatinous balls. If you don't like that texture, sprinkle them on just before eating. Just 1 tablespoon of chia seeds gives you 5 grams of fiber and 3 grams of protein, as well as magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, and omega-3s, and has just 60 calories. The black and white seeds are equally good for you, so pick up whichever one you prefer (or whichever one your supermarket or health food store carries).

Mix them into muffins 

Chia seeds health benefits ,nutritional facts,weight loss and recipes (sept 2019)

If you're making pancakes, waffles, muffins, or homemade granola, toss in some nutritious chia seeds. They have a neutral flavor, so they work in almost anything. Toss a handful into these hearty flapjacks, or swap them for the poppy seeds in the streusel in these tasty muffins. You could also use chia seeds in place of some of the flax seeds in homemade granola bars. Wherever you put them, they bring a happy bit of crunch.

How much to eat in a day?

 A common dosage recommendation is 20 grams (about 1.5 tablespoons) of chia seeds, twice per day

 Does it help in Weight loss?

Chia seeds health benefits ,nutritional facts,weight loss and recipes (sept 2019)

Foods that are high in fiber help people to feel full for longer, and they are usually lower in calories. Increased fiber intake and a high fiber diet have been shown to help with weight loss.
Chia seeds contain nearly 5 grams of fiber per tablesoon, and their high levels of omega-3-fatty acids and alpha-linoleic acid may be useful for weight loss. The seed can also be consumed as a gel when mixed with water. This causes it to digest more slowly in the body, potentially preventing hunger for a longer period.
However, evidence is scant. A review, published in the Journal of Obesity, concludes that "there is limited data to suggest the use of chia seeds for weight loss."
Another study, published in Nutrition Research, concludes that, in overweight adults, chia seeds have "no influence on body mass or composition, or various disease risk factor measures."

Chia seeds for 6 month old baby

Chia seeds health benefits ,nutritional facts,weight loss and recipes (sept 2019)

Chia seeds are considered a superfood for breastfeeding mothers. Chia seeds can boost your breast milk supply naturally and is a great source of calcium, fiber, fatty acids, and more
Babies can be introduced to chia seeds as early as 6-8 months. It's important to make sure they are soaked and thoroughly mixed before serving (do not serve chia seeds dry). Here are some signs that your baby is ready for chia seeds

Price per kg:

Price of chia seeds is 1,400rs per kg

Pros & cons

Pros :Despite their small size, chia seeds are full of important nutrients. They are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, rich in antioxidants, and they provide fiber, iron, and calcium. Omega-3 fatty acids help raise HDL cholesterol, the "good" cholesterol that protects against heart attack and stroke.

Cons :Chia Seeds Can Lead to Stomach ProblemsThose who consume too much fiber may experience side effects ranging from diarrhea, constipation, bloating, and intestinal gas. Luckily there's a way to eat chia seeds and avoid stomach pain altogether

Alternative to chia seeds:

Chia Seeds Substitutes
The best substitute is linseeds (also know as flax seeds). While linseeds are slightly larger in size, they contain about the same amount of protein and fibre as chia. With the added benefit of slightly more Omega-3s.
Both linseeds and chia absorb lots of liquid and produce a unique gel textured goo when soaked.
Linseeds will work in puddings and breakfasts where the chia is used to soak up liquid. Because they’re larger and have less surface area they won’t thicken exactly as much as chia will so consider using slightly less liquid or slightly more linseeds.

Expiry of chia seeds

Chia seeds have a long shelf life, and will keep for several years when stored in a cool, dry place.

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Tuesday 10 September 2019

Top 5 most powerfull seeds in the world (September 2019)|the most powerful food

Top 5 most powerfull seeds in the world (September 2019)|the most powerful food

Why seeds?Are the most powerfull food on planet

  • seeds pack a powerful nutritional punch. The buzz about superfoods such as chia, flax and hemp aren’t just hype - these mighty little packages are loaded with dietary fibre, protein, healthy fats and plenty of antioxidants.
  • 1 flaxseed
  • Most powerfull food
    Add caption

  • Flaxseed is packed with nutrients. Just two tablespoons of flaxseed contains 6 grams of fiber and 4 grams of protein. It is also rich in alpha-linolenic acid, a type of omega-3 fatty acid. most powerful seeds
  • Some studies suggest flaxseed consumption helps improve cardiovascular health. Flaxseed also contains lignans, which may help protect the body from cancer.
  • Flaxseed is one of the most powerful seed

  • Chia seed 
  • Chia has come a long way since it first sprouted out of funny pottery in TV commercials. These tiny seeds pack in 10 grams of fiber in a 2-tablespoon serving. They also contain proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and minerals like: iron, calcium, magnesium, and zinc.most powerful seeds
  • the most powerful seed
  • Chia seeds
  • Most powerfull food
  • the most powerful seed  the most powerful black seed
  • In  1 day you can take 25gm of chia seeds One spoon of chia seeds contains 5gm of fiber 3gm of protein and 3gm of polyunsaturated fats shich are good fats 
  • Most powerfull food

  • Hemp seed

  • Hemp seeds are an excellent source of heart-healthy omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. They pack in 10 grams of easily digested protein into just 2 tablespoons. Hemp seeds have a mild, nutty flavor. They can be eaten on their own, added to salads, or on top of yogurt. Hemp milk is a good alternative to dairy milk.
  • Hemp seeds not only contain all 20 amino acids, but also each of the nine essential amino acids our bodies are unable to produce. As if that unique quality wasn’t enough, hemp contains essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants and phytosterols (

  • most powerful seeds
  • the most powerful seed
  • Sesame seed
  • Despite their tiny size, sesame seeds contain up to 20% protein and lots of fiber. They are  in the amino acids tryptophan and methionine. Sesame oil is a good choice for salad dressings as it is rich in linoleic and oleic acids, which have a cholesterol-lowering effectmost powerful seeds

  • Most powerful food

  • Most powerful food

  • Sesame is also a great source of zinc - which is great for bones as well as sexual health in men (it boosts testosterone and sperm production).
  • most powerful black seed
  • the most powerful seed

  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Most powerfull food

  • Pumpkin seeds are a tasty snack that boasts 16% of your daily iron needs in just ¼ cup. That same ¼ cup will also get you 5 grams of fiber, which is more than most nuts. In addition, pumpkin seeds are a good source of amino acids, protein, and omega-3s, as well as minerals such as zinc and magnesium.

  • Full of Valuable Nutrients. Pumpkin seeds are also known as "pepita" — a Mexican Spanish term. ...
  • High in Antioxidants. ...
  • Linked to a Reduced Risk of Certain Cancers. ...
  • Improve Prostate and Bladder Health. ...
  • Very High in Magnesium. ...
  • May Improve Heart Health. ...
  • Can Lower Blood Sugar Levels. ...
  • High in Fiber.

  • most powerful seeds,the most powerful seed,Top 5 most powerfull seeds in the world (September 2019)|the most powerful seed,most powerfull food ,most powerful food, black seed, most powerful black seed

Wednesday 9 January 2019

How to grow height after 20 best tips

How to grow height after 20 

if your are thinking that you cannot grow height after 20 it's wrong just follow this tips and you can grow height after 20 best tips

  • Eat Right:

  • What we eat matters a lot. The nutrition derived from food is the foundation to every good thing that takes place in our body, including an increase in height. A balanced diet is a sure way to pep up the growth-inducing hormones in your body and to replenish all your lost cells.
  • These are some of the vitamins and minerals found in food that are sure shot height-boosters:
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin B1
  • Zinc
  • Phosphorus
  • 2. Be Sure To Break The Fast: 
  • Many are victims of the belief that skipping out on breakfast helps you get slimmer. You will be hard put to find that there’s nothing farther from the truth. Making sure that you have a healthy breakfast every morning, goes a long way in increasing your body’s metabolism that in turn increases your height

  • Ashwagandha

  • Ayurveda says ashwagandha, also known as Indian ginseng, helps increase height. It contains various minerals that broaden the bone skeleton as well as its density. This in turn increases your height. Ashwagandha is easily available at herbal stores. Mix two tablespoons of ashwagandha powder in a glass of warm cow’s milk. Add sugar or jaggery according to your taste and mix well. Drink it every night before going to bed at least for 45 days to increase your height. But you must avoid fast food completely while you are on this remedy. Image:

    • Practice Yoga

  • Yoga too can help you increase your height naturally. Certain yoga exercises facilitate the release of growth-inducing hormones in the body. Yoga also helps release stress that causes tension in the back muscles, which in turn paves the way for maximum growth. The best yoga pose to increase height are Surya Namaskar, Trikonasana (Triangle Pose), Parivrtta Trikonasana (Revolved Triangle Pose), and Adhomukha Savasana. Image: Getty

  • Don’t Skip Milk

  • Milk is rich in calcium, an important mineral for bone growth. Calcium also acts as a height booster. Besides calcium, milk has vitamin A and protein that are essential for overall development of the body, including height. To increase your height by a few inches, drink at least two to three glasses of milk daily. In addition, eating dairy foods like cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt and cream can have an effect on height. Image: Getty  

  • Exercises for increasing height at 20

  • Height increasing exercises can be the best thing that you can do at 19 to grow your height. At this age simple stretching, yoga and free hand exercises can be best for your growth. Do the following daily for adequate time to become taller
  • Bridge

  • Grow taller exercises for teenagers
  • Lie on your back and bent your knees at 90 degrees placing your feet firmly on the floor. Now pull your Hips and back up with your head down to make a slanting posture. Hold your feet with your hands. Hold this position for 10 seconds and then relax before repeating. Do this exercise for a minimum of 5 times a day.

  • Leg stretches

  • There are different types of leg stretches and they can be actually effective to ensure the best growth of your long bones. Lie with your back on the floor. Fold one leg up to your stomach as far as possible and hold with your hands. Hold the posture for 5 seconds then release and repeat with your other leg. Do it in a set of 3 for a minimum of 5 repetitions. Another simple leg stretch exercise that can be quite helpful is to stand with your feet more than shoulder apart. Now bend sidewise to touch the thumb of the feet of that side with the hand of the opposite side. Touch and get back to the starting position before repeating for the other side.

  • Forward fold

  • Sit on a plain surface with your legs stretched forward. Join your hands above your heads. Now bend from your waist to touch the thumbs of the feet with the help of your hands. Once you touch hold for 1-2 seconds and get back to the starting position. Do this exercise for at least 8-10 times daily

  • If you like my work please do share this amazing tips to grow height at the age of 20

Monday 7 January 2019

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