Wednesday 11 September 2019

Chia seeds health benefits ,nutritional facts,weight loss and recipes (sept 2019)t

Chia seeds health benefits ,nutritional facts,weight loss and recipes (sept 2019)

Chia seeds

Chia seeds health benefits ,nutritional facts,weight loss and recipes (sept 2019)

Chia seeds are the tiny black seeds from the Salvia hispanica plant, a member of the mint family which comes from Central and South America. Legend has it that the ancient Aztecs and Mayans used chia seeds as a source of energy.

Nutritional facts

Chia seeds health benefits ,nutritional facts,weight loss and recipes (sept 2019)

Amount Per 1 oz (28.4 g)100 grams100 grams
  • Calories 486
  • *Total Fat 31 g
  • 47%Saturated fat 3.3 g
  • 16%Polyunsaturated fat 24g
  • Monounsaturated fat
  •  2.3 g
  • Trans fat 0.1 g
  • Cholesterol 0 mg0%
  • Sodium 16 mg
  • Potassium 407 mg11%
  • Total Carbohydrate 42 g
  • 14%Dietary fiber 34 g
  • 136%Protein 17 g
  • 34%Vitamin A
  • 1%Vitamin C
  • 2%Calcium
  • Iron42%
  • Magnesium83%

When to eat

Chia seeds health benefits ,nutritional facts,weight loss and recipes (sept 2019)

Chia seeds are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, antioxidants, iron, and calcium. A 28-gram, or 1-ounce, serving of chia seeds also contains 5.6 grams of protein. Mixed with water, they can replace egg in vegan cooking
Chia seeds The seeds of relaxation: The body uses the amino acid tryptophan to produce serotonin and melatonin, both hormones that are essential for sleep. ... The good news is that certain seeds rank really high in tryptophan, which will not only help you sleep but relax you overall.

Health benefits

The benefits of chia seeds is attributed to the calcium content and other trace minerals known for their role in bone health. A 25g portion of chia contains 157mg of calcium, which is a significant source of calcium, more than that in 100ml of milk.
Chia seeds are loaded with antioxidants
The health-protective antioxidants found in chia seeds are known to defend against oxidative stress. This is essentially an imbalance between the production of cell-damaging free radicals and the body's ability to counter their harmful effects. This protection helps fend off aging and protects the brain, as oxidative stress is a causative factor in diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s

Chia seeds for heart disease s and diabetes patients

Chia seeds help regulate blood sugar levels
Chia seeds help stabilize post-meal blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity, which can translate to steadier, sustained energy. In one study that compared chia to flax seeds, both resulted in lower blood sugar levels, but chia had a greater ability to convert glucose into a slow-release carbohydrate and positively impact satiety. That led to reduced appetite and desire to eat.

How to eat

Make them into pudding

Chia seeds health benefits ,nutritional facts,weight loss and recipes (sept 2019)

Chia seeds can absorb many times their own weight in liquid, so when you soak them in water or milk overnight, you get a dish that's a lot like tapioca pudding in texture. Add some spices and a little bit of sweetener (like honey or pure maple syrup) and you get a healthy breakfast or snack that tastes like a treat. We love this recipe for clementine chia pudding; the creamsicle-like dish boasts 4 grams each of filling fiber and fortifying protein, all for less than 150 calories. Top it with a tablespoon or two of toasted pistachios or sliced almonds for a bit of crunch.
Add some crunch to yogurt or oatmeal by sprinkling on chia seeds. Note: Once they sit in liquid for a while, they form little gelatinous balls. If you don't like that texture, sprinkle them on just before eating. Just 1 tablespoon of chia seeds gives you 5 grams of fiber and 3 grams of protein, as well as magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium, and omega-3s, and has just 60 calories. The black and white seeds are equally good for you, so pick up whichever one you prefer (or whichever one your supermarket or health food store carries).

Mix them into muffins 

Chia seeds health benefits ,nutritional facts,weight loss and recipes (sept 2019)

If you're making pancakes, waffles, muffins, or homemade granola, toss in some nutritious chia seeds. They have a neutral flavor, so they work in almost anything. Toss a handful into these hearty flapjacks, or swap them for the poppy seeds in the streusel in these tasty muffins. You could also use chia seeds in place of some of the flax seeds in homemade granola bars. Wherever you put them, they bring a happy bit of crunch.

How much to eat in a day?

 A common dosage recommendation is 20 grams (about 1.5 tablespoons) of chia seeds, twice per day

 Does it help in Weight loss?

Chia seeds health benefits ,nutritional facts,weight loss and recipes (sept 2019)

Foods that are high in fiber help people to feel full for longer, and they are usually lower in calories. Increased fiber intake and a high fiber diet have been shown to help with weight loss.
Chia seeds contain nearly 5 grams of fiber per tablesoon, and their high levels of omega-3-fatty acids and alpha-linoleic acid may be useful for weight loss. The seed can also be consumed as a gel when mixed with water. This causes it to digest more slowly in the body, potentially preventing hunger for a longer period.
However, evidence is scant. A review, published in the Journal of Obesity, concludes that "there is limited data to suggest the use of chia seeds for weight loss."
Another study, published in Nutrition Research, concludes that, in overweight adults, chia seeds have "no influence on body mass or composition, or various disease risk factor measures."

Chia seeds for 6 month old baby

Chia seeds health benefits ,nutritional facts,weight loss and recipes (sept 2019)

Chia seeds are considered a superfood for breastfeeding mothers. Chia seeds can boost your breast milk supply naturally and is a great source of calcium, fiber, fatty acids, and more
Babies can be introduced to chia seeds as early as 6-8 months. It's important to make sure they are soaked and thoroughly mixed before serving (do not serve chia seeds dry). Here are some signs that your baby is ready for chia seeds

Price per kg:

Price of chia seeds is 1,400rs per kg

Pros & cons

Pros :Despite their small size, chia seeds are full of important nutrients. They are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, rich in antioxidants, and they provide fiber, iron, and calcium. Omega-3 fatty acids help raise HDL cholesterol, the "good" cholesterol that protects against heart attack and stroke.

Cons :Chia Seeds Can Lead to Stomach ProblemsThose who consume too much fiber may experience side effects ranging from diarrhea, constipation, bloating, and intestinal gas. Luckily there's a way to eat chia seeds and avoid stomach pain altogether

Alternative to chia seeds:

Chia Seeds Substitutes
The best substitute is linseeds (also know as flax seeds). While linseeds are slightly larger in size, they contain about the same amount of protein and fibre as chia. With the added benefit of slightly more Omega-3s.
Both linseeds and chia absorb lots of liquid and produce a unique gel textured goo when soaked.
Linseeds will work in puddings and breakfasts where the chia is used to soak up liquid. Because they’re larger and have less surface area they won’t thicken exactly as much as chia will so consider using slightly less liquid or slightly more linseeds.

Expiry of chia seeds

Chia seeds have a long shelf life, and will keep for several years when stored in a cool, dry place.

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Tuesday 10 September 2019

Top 5 most powerfull seeds in the world (September 2019)|the most powerful food

Top 5 most powerfull seeds in the world (September 2019)|the most powerful food

Why seeds?Are the most powerfull food on planet

  • seeds pack a powerful nutritional punch. The buzz about superfoods such as chia, flax and hemp aren’t just hype - these mighty little packages are loaded with dietary fibre, protein, healthy fats and plenty of antioxidants.
  • 1 flaxseed
  • Most powerfull food
    Add caption

  • Flaxseed is packed with nutrients. Just two tablespoons of flaxseed contains 6 grams of fiber and 4 grams of protein. It is also rich in alpha-linolenic acid, a type of omega-3 fatty acid. most powerful seeds
  • Some studies suggest flaxseed consumption helps improve cardiovascular health. Flaxseed also contains lignans, which may help protect the body from cancer.
  • Flaxseed is one of the most powerful seed

  • Chia seed 
  • Chia has come a long way since it first sprouted out of funny pottery in TV commercials. These tiny seeds pack in 10 grams of fiber in a 2-tablespoon serving. They also contain proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and minerals like: iron, calcium, magnesium, and zinc.most powerful seeds
  • the most powerful seed
  • Chia seeds
  • Most powerfull food
  • the most powerful seed  the most powerful black seed
  • In  1 day you can take 25gm of chia seeds One spoon of chia seeds contains 5gm of fiber 3gm of protein and 3gm of polyunsaturated fats shich are good fats 
  • Most powerfull food

  • Hemp seed

  • Hemp seeds are an excellent source of heart-healthy omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. They pack in 10 grams of easily digested protein into just 2 tablespoons. Hemp seeds have a mild, nutty flavor. They can be eaten on their own, added to salads, or on top of yogurt. Hemp milk is a good alternative to dairy milk.
  • Hemp seeds not only contain all 20 amino acids, but also each of the nine essential amino acids our bodies are unable to produce. As if that unique quality wasn’t enough, hemp contains essential fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, antioxidants and phytosterols (

  • most powerful seeds
  • the most powerful seed
  • Sesame seed
  • Despite their tiny size, sesame seeds contain up to 20% protein and lots of fiber. They are  in the amino acids tryptophan and methionine. Sesame oil is a good choice for salad dressings as it is rich in linoleic and oleic acids, which have a cholesterol-lowering effectmost powerful seeds

  • Most powerful food

  • Most powerful food

  • Sesame is also a great source of zinc - which is great for bones as well as sexual health in men (it boosts testosterone and sperm production).
  • most powerful black seed
  • the most powerful seed

  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Most powerfull food

  • Pumpkin seeds are a tasty snack that boasts 16% of your daily iron needs in just ¼ cup. That same ¼ cup will also get you 5 grams of fiber, which is more than most nuts. In addition, pumpkin seeds are a good source of amino acids, protein, and omega-3s, as well as minerals such as zinc and magnesium.

  • Full of Valuable Nutrients. Pumpkin seeds are also known as "pepita" — a Mexican Spanish term. ...
  • High in Antioxidants. ...
  • Linked to a Reduced Risk of Certain Cancers. ...
  • Improve Prostate and Bladder Health. ...
  • Very High in Magnesium. ...
  • May Improve Heart Health. ...
  • Can Lower Blood Sugar Levels. ...
  • High in Fiber.

  • most powerful seeds,the most powerful seed,Top 5 most powerfull seeds in the world (September 2019)|the most powerful seed,most powerfull food ,most powerful food, black seed, most powerful black seed